Our Services

Employment Data & Analytics

Our principal business is the creation and licensing of Job Indices. This comprises the sourcing of data then presenting it consistently, accurately and on a timely basis with meaningful analysis. indices availability and pricing are available on request.

Our other services include:

Tailored employment research. Examples of this include Expert Witness reports and deep industry research to help guide clients structure or restructure their businesses around emerging trends.

The licensing of proprietorial employment data allowing you to conduct your own research into employment trends.

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Our Services

License a Job Index

Job indices are a measure of the demand for talent. License a unique job index to keep your clients, talent pool and stakeholders informed of critical trends in employment in their sector.

Employment Data Consulting

Do you need tailored research? This could be for a major pitch to a client, material to present at a conference or a white paper to inform your clients of the latest trends in skills. If so we can help

DIY Employment Analytics

Do you have in-house capability and capacity to write your own employment research? Then we can provide proprietorial portals to generate data and charts for you do the analysis and draft your own reports 

Interested in our services? We’re here to help!

We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help. 
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